
Una unidad de EF con la metodología AICLE en inglés: WARM-UP

My final project en the #REA_aicle_INTEF course I was doing last months is an AICLE unit that is called: "warm up"
This unit will be the first unit I'm going to use with my first level students in secondary school in my subject, PE.
The unit has got three main learning outcomes:
  1. To Know the warm up effects on the body
  2. To practice different kind of exercises to warm up
  3. To appreciate the positive effects of warm up 
The final task in this unit is that students plan a general warm-up in groups and explain it to the other students in English.
To do that we are going to use 4 classes before the explanations.
The first one they are going to read two documents about the warm-up:
In addition, they are going to see this video:

After that they are going to practice general warm-ups the next three classes with me.

Finally the students have one session to show us their works.
You can see the unit clicking here.

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